Tuesday, August 28, 2007

8911 Toa Jaller Mahri Review

A Bionicle review is where I post pictures and tell you what I like about the set.

Thats the box. A very truthful box, unlike some.
The pieces:

Good pieces... Great for MOCing (My own creation). I like the two piece armor, as well as having a crab made of the same type of armor.

Half the fun is had building the set. How fun is it to build and how easy or challenging is it?

The easyness on the lower body will almost make me cry.

Anyways, the top half without the armor is very poor looking... but more of a challange to build.

The top with the armor and weapons is pretty cool.

Now for the Crab...

No Cobak launcher... pretty neat.

Sorry, some things are acting up, and this is it for now. More very soon on the Bionicle!


Sunday, August 19, 2007

LOTM comic 5

From Hobbitin to Mordor...


Monday, August 13, 2007

Random Funny picture!

That's a one-in-a-lifetime picture,


Sunday, August 12, 2007

Sunday's LOTM comic; 4

I'm late(ish). Have fun... and it continues with frodo in TWO weeks... next week you vist a nazgul

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Thrusday's Pivot act

Oh no. I'm so sorry. For some reason, I can post my Pivot animations on my blog. It will let me, but it won't animate it.
Insted of that, I'll do a funny picture (that does still mean I'll do a random funny picture)!



Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Tuesday's Jukii & freinds comic 1

I know. It's not that great. But it will get better... soon! This was my first comic series. Somtimes I don't have funny homor, and somtimes I do.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Sunday's LOTM comic 3

This is something new... in a sense. I am going to be up-dayting my blog regularly. here is a time sheet for when I post:

Sunday: New Lord of the Mask comic up.
Monday: Whatever I feel like putting up*
Tuesday: Jukki and freinds comic starting up.
Wednesday: Whatever I feel like putting up*
Thrusday: A new Pivot Stick-figure animation.
Friday: Whatever I feel like putting up*
Saterday: Whatever I feel like putting up*

On any of these "Whatever I feel like putting up" days I'm gonna put up a funny picture. They are just FUNNY!!

Come back daily to see if I have uploaded somthing new!


*I might not put something up on that day.

Monday, June 18, 2007

More LOTM...

Like it? Good. I'll be making more.


Thursday, June 14, 2007

I changed it... Lord of the MASKS!!!

Like it? Good. I'll be making more.


I'm working on a Promo movie to!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

LOTR Bionicle comics... don't think I'm weird at all.

This is a Comic with Bionicle charictors (Or how ever you spell it), playing LOTR parts! I'm following the movie, so If you havn't seen it, Don't worry. It will be like you had. The weird people on the bottom right are Orcs. Sorry I didn't get that dwon.


Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Hi people! I'm starting a new kind of comic! Some names are just weird, but fun.


Sunday, May 6, 2007

I give anyone permission to use this. Use Paint. Have fun!!!


Wednesday, May 2, 2007


This is what I look like as a Bionicle. :-D I love it! I wish I would have drawn it...


Monday, April 30, 2007

GS Preview.

Heeheehee... I like it. This is my newest comic!


Giga Pet II

So far so good with my Giga pet. I'm the only person bidding on it, so I have a good chance. There are only 21 Bids on the Giga pets. There are 62 Giga pets. My sister went to Bible quiz Nationals this year! Now she is home. Yaaaaaaaay! I guess you wanna see some more comics, right? I can do Bionicle Comics faster, So I'll give you some of them! :-D. GS means Guest star. I hope you like it! And Wish me luck with my Giga pet kitty!


Sunday, April 29, 2007

Giga Pet

Hi again!
I just put a bid on a kitty Giga pet on Ebay!
look at all these things you/It can do!

Health Check
Food (two selections)
Clean (clean up poop and bath)
Play (two games)
Medicine (medicine and vitamins)
Attention icon
Sound (off/on)

So, thats cool... I hope I get it (probably will. very few people bid on these things)!


Aquire The Fire

I just went to ATF! I was AWESOME!!!!!! Me and my Mom went. It's an awesome place... there were 6,000 kids there!!! Praise god!! One thing I liked Alot about ATF was that nearly 3,000 kids got outta the pig-pen of sin, and walked over to Jesus/God!!!
We were selling a golf-cart like thing called a 'Rover'. Not land Rover, just 'Rover'. We hoped to get $300 -$500.... Guess how much we got? WE GOT $2,500!!! *Pass out* THUD! Ow... Holy cow it's 8:00!!! I got knocked out at 7:... somthing...
That money is going towrd Movie-making!


Friday, April 27, 2007

Comic I

Zelda is the princess... rather a wimp in the games, but (whenever she wakes up) in my comics, she is not a wimp.

You are gonna have to make it bigger, though.



I'm making Zelda Comics, and to tell you who/what people are, look at this!


Hello people!!!!

Hi! This is my first post. I like Zelda, Lego, Bionicle, Reading, Jesus, Family, Computers, and much more. I love making Comics on the Computer! I'll show some to you soon!


Wirlwind is the newest of my companies