Mexico/Cuba trip is done, fair is over, and FINALLY the state fair is over. I can BREATH!!! *inhale, outhale* I know I havn't been posting, but I will be now. And I'll re-post the scedule.
Mondays: Chapter in Nahzo: Unleashed (That lasts for 6 weeks, then I'll do Young Toa Camp)
Wednesday: New Sprite Comic
Friday: Review on all the new Notdoppler Games from Thursday (Unless it's a 13+ or more game)
Saterday/sunday: Sprite Kits
One random day: Funny picture
Let's see... yesterday was Monday. Chapter in Nahzo: Unleashed.
Chapter VI
Final battle
As Nahzo hurled the sphere toward earth, Toa Tahlvi teleported right under it. He used ice power it make a wall. But the ball went right through it. So Tahlvi tried energy. It worked! The sphere started to go backward. Back toward Nahzo!
“What? No! NO!!” Nahzo said. Then he made another sphere and threw it in the first ball. Now it started to come back toward earth. Tahlvi put one hand out to the side and shot a blast of fire toward Nahzo. Nahzo didn’t see it until it was about to hit him. FWOOGE! He got singed.
“Now that wasn’t fair!” Nahzo said.
“And trying to blow up the world with more power then a star, wounding my friend and me is fair?” Was Tahlvi’s reply.
“Well…” said Nahzo. At this point I could move freely. “DIE!” Nahzo said, not noticing me. He made 5 more sphere and shot that at the first one! Now it was huge! And it was coming toward earth at an alarming speed! I knew I was hurt, and I might mess up, but I did it anyways. I shot up above Nahzo.
“Die in your own energy!” I cried as it came down. He turned around to look at me. Since I was going fast, he couldn’t react in time. I slammed into him very hard. And it was working! I was pushing him into the sphere!
“No! NO! NOOOOOOO!!” He yelled. Then he disappeared into the sphere. I jumped back just in time. Then Tahlvi shot a lot of energy, then the sphere went into outer space. There it disintegrated.
* * * * * * * * * * *
“What? I’m still alive?” Said Nahzo. “I guess those Jewels are more useful then I thought. Heh… so I’m still alive. Now I guess I’ll have to try to destroy the earth again!” With that, he energized another sphere, and hurled it toward earth.
* * * * * * * * * * *
“Yes! We did it!” Said Sovix. The Toa Kaita had un-energized, making them their normal forms.
“Yes, we did, thanks to Shadix.” Ehthak said
“Where is He?” Shadow said.
Then a came down and landed. Remember, I had been flying. When I hit the ground, I staggered, slipped and fell down. My stomach hurt really bad, I was out of energy, and my hands and knees got scorched from the sphere. Everything started going hazy… like smoke.
“There he is!” Shadow said. They ran up to me. Right then I saw the sphere enter the atmosphere.
“Guys… look.” I said. I pointed up toward the sphere.
“Oh no! Nahzo’s still alive! Shadow, come here!” Ehthak said. Then they both teleported right under it. I could see a blast of light… I couldn’t tell what it was at the time. Sovix said that it was the energy from Ehthak and Shadow pushing it backward.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
“That should do it!” Ehthak said after hurling that sphere into space. “But we have to finish him off!”
“I know what to do!” Shadow said. “How fast can we get to the Jewels?”
* * * * * * * * * * * *
“Oh, I see that two little Toa are coming to try to kill me.” Nahzo said. “Pity there friends won’t be able to see them die.”
When Ehthak and Shadow got close to Nahzo the hid behind a rock. They jumped out. They were holding the four Chaos Jewels.
“W-what are you doing?” Nahzo said, shaking a little. Ehthak didn’t reply. He just held out the Jewels.
“You sure this will work?” Ehthak said to Shadow.
“It worked in to past.”
Suddenly, the Jewels started glowing.
“S-stop! W-what ever your d-doing, stop!” Said the vibrating Nahzo. They could see the energy being sucked out of him.
“Whoa! It’s actually working!” Said Ehthak.
“Told ya’!”
By this point, the dark red was lightning up, and the pale white could be seen under it.
“It’s working really well!!” Ehthak said.
At this point the Jewels were glowing really bright, and Nahzo was almost completely white, the same white that he had been before the got energized.
“Stop!” He said after turning completely white.
“Ready?” Ehthak said to shadow.
“Yep. Lets do it!” Now that the energy was back in the Jewels, anyone could use it. Ehthak and Shadow took this to their advantage. The started to energize themselves with the Jewels. Now they were powerful.
“No! Stop! I won’t let this happen!!” Nahzo said. Then he energized a smaller sphere. Before he hurled it, ripples of fire blasted him. One right after another. He made a shield of energy hoping to stop the fire. It did… kinda. But while Ehthak was blasting Nahzo with fire, Shadow had gone around to the back side, and blasted Nahzo with a torrent of earth-energy (which is very powerful).
“No!” Nahzo said after the blasts had stopped. “You are to powerful!”
“No. That’s not the problem. The problem is that you’re weaker.” Shadow said.
Well then, I’ll have to end that.” He replied as he energized another ball. But Shadow put an end to that. Well, Ehthak and Shadow. They teleported over to him.
“Die!” They both said. BOOM!! They blasted him with a lot of energy. They spent all the energy that was from the jewels and more. Ehthak said that he could see Nahzo inside the vortex of energy. As Ehthak watched him, Nahzo began to fade. After a little while, Nahzo was completely gone!
“We got him! He’s gone forever!” Ehthak said.
“Yep! But let’s go back to earth.”
* * * * * * * * * * *
Sovix and I were still in roughly the same place that we were when they left. Sovix had done something with his ice to suck all the poison out of me. And now I was feeling much better.
“So did ya kill him?” Sovix asked Ehthak and Shadow when they landed.
“Finally, yes.” Ehthak replied.
“Great!” I said. “How did you do it?”
At this point Ehthak and Shadow told the story. I thought it was awesome.
“You might want to keep a better eye on the Ultimate Chaos Jewel now.” Ehthak said.
“Yeah, just maybe.” I repied.
When he got back to my little floating island, I put the Jewel back in its Suva.
“Well, that adventure wasn’t wanted.” Sovix said.
“Or needed” Ehthak added.
“No kidding.” I said.
“So, what have we learned from this?” Shadow asked
“I learned that if your white, it doesn’t mean you are a Toa of Ice.” Sovix said.
“Yeah, no kidding. I learned that pistols are very scary when they are at your head.” I said. Everyone laughed at this. “So, who wants to finish off those Burritos?”
That finishes the Nahzo: Unleashed book! Next up: Young Toa Camp. (This should be interesting)